NextGen Policy Issues Statement In Support of California’s Legal Action Against Big Oil


For Immediate Release: September 16, 2023
Contact: Dustin Moon, 

Statement from NextGen’s Senior Policy Advisor, David Weiskopf:
“This is a big deal. The oil industry is the most profitable enterprise in human history, and their profits have come at the expense of every person and other living thing on our planet. For too long, governments have subsidized, rather than worked to limit the damage done by these multi-billion dollar corporations. Today, the state of California is standing up for the legal rights of its residents. We thank the Attorney General and the Governor for bringing this lawsuit, and we hope that every state will follow suit. It is vital that all parts of our government work together to usher in an era of equitable clean transportation and that means aligning all public spending with our state’s climate goals and with the substance of this lawsuit. Oil companies have been harming the public for far too long – it is way past time to take every reasonable action to hold them accountable.”


 The mission of NextGen Policy is to fight for progressive policy change to address environmental, social, racial, gender, and economic inequities in California through justice-centered legislative advocacy, grassroots partnerships, and democratic civic engagement.