For Immediate Release: December 15, 2022
Contact: Milena Paez,
Statement from NextGen California Senior Policy Advisor, David Weiskopf:
“2022 has been California’s biggest year ever for advancing climate policy, but if we are going to make good on the promise of the Scoping Plan the Board adopted today, we will have to go even bigger in 2023 and every year after. The end of the 5-year Scoping Plan update process is the starting whistle for enacting the policies at every level of government and across every part of the state’s budget that will turn computer model results into real world outcomes. If we do it right, we will save thousands of lives, reduce economic inequality, and begin to repair the harm that low-income communities and Californians of color disproportionately suffer for the sake of oil companies’ profits. If we do it wrong, we risk perpetuating those injustices for generations to come. There could not be more at stake, and we are ready to fight like hell for the California we believe in.”
The mission of NextGen California is to fight for progressive policy change to address environmental, social, racial, gender, and economic inequities in California through justice-centered legislative advocacy, grassroots partnerships, and democratic civic engagement.