Student Debt Cancellation and Federal Loan Information Workshop

September 19, 2023

On September 19, 2023, NextGen Policy, the Campaign for California Borrowers’ Rights Coalition, California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI), and special guest speakers, California State Assemblymembers Chris Ward and Dr. Akilah Weber held the third installment of our student loan debt summer webinar workshop series, “Student Debt Cancellation and Federal Loan Information”.

This one-hour workshop is a fantastic way to learn more about how student borrowers can start preparing for their payments restarting, provide updates on the Biden-Harris Administration’s Student Debt Relief Plan, and get their questions answered. 

Below, you will find a full recording of our one-hour workshop and have access to the resources we discussed. 

Topics covered include:

  • The different types of student loans
  • How to prepare for making payments again
  • The latest information on President Biden’s student debt relief plan
  • How to avoid scams
  • Where you can access resources

We’d like to remind you that the Saving on a Valuable Education Plan (SAVE) application is now open! The SAVE Plan is the most affordable student loan repayment plan ever and will lower monthly payments for millions of borrowers. Check your eligibility and apply now!

Student Debt Cancellation and Federal Loan Information Workshop

Workshop Slide Deck and Resources

In Partnership with: