Cal Grant Reform

Students who historically have been unable to access the pathways to higher education should have the same opportunity to attend college and graduate as everyone else. California must find more ways to unlock its financial aid system so more students can obtain a degree!

2023 Legislative Wins!


SBx1 -2 – Ending Oil Price Gouging (Skinner)

Empowers the CA Energy Commission (CEC) with greater oil industry oversight, specifically to increase transparency related to oil prices and penalties for companies that engage in price gouging.


SB 253 - Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act (Wiener)

Requires all US-based businesses with over $1 billion in gross annual revenue, that do business in California, to disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory annually.


SB 261 – Climate-related Financial Risk Disclosure Act (Stern)

Requires certain entities doing business in California to prepare and submit climate-related financial risk reports consistent with recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD).

Criminal Legal Reform

AB 1118 – Racial Justice Act 3.0 (Kalra)

Makes technical changes to the current Racial Justice Act to help streamline the process to ensure claims are acted upon efficiently – saving time and resources for all involved.

Education Equity

AB 789 – Expanding Access to Financial Aid (Berman)

Enables students who have struggled academically to continue their educational pursuits by removing hurdles related to re-enrollment and maintaining financial aid.

Inclusive Democracy

AB 421 - Referendum Reform (Bryan)

Protects the integrity of the California referendum process by requiring more community-based, volunteer engagement in signature gathering.

Solving Food Insecurity

SB 348 – Nutritious School Meals & Time to Eat (Skinner)

Improves child nutrition by updating school meal sugar and sodium standards, providing students two nutritious school meals daily, and ensuring students have adequate time to eat.

Digital Equity

AB 41 DIVCA Reform (Holden) 2023 - Veto

Although we initially supported AB 41, the final iteration of AB 41 would have moved the state further from digital equity, and would have made California franchise policy worse for communities, worse for localities, and harder for the state to address the digital divide. Working alongside other digital equity coalition partners, we successfully secured a veto of AB 41 by Governor Newsom.


SBx1 -2 – Ending Oil Price Gouging (Skinner)

Empowers the CA Energy Commission (CEC) with greater oil industry oversight, specifically to increase transparency related to oil prices and penalties for companies that engage in price gouging.


SB 253 - Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act (Wiener)

Requires all US-based businesses with over $1 billion in gross annual revenue, that do business in California, to disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory annually.


SB 261 – Climate-related Financial Risk Disclosure Act (Stern)

Requires certain entities doing business in California to prepare and submit climate-related financial risk reports consistent with recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD).

Criminal Legal Reform

AB 1118 – Racial Justice Act 3.0 (Kalra)

Makes technical changes to the current Racial Justice Act to help streamline the process to ensure claims are acted upon efficiently – saving time and resources for all involved.

Education Equity

AB 789 – Expanding Access to Financial Aid (Berman)

Enables students who have struggled academically to continue their educational pursuits by removing hurdles related to re-enrollment and maintaining financial aid.

Inclusive Democracy

AB 421 - Referendum Reform (Bryan)

Protects the integrity of the California referendum process by requiring more community-based, volunteer engagement in signature gathering.

Solving Food Insecurity

SB 348 – Nutritious School Meals & Time to Eat (Skinner)

Improves child nutrition by updating school meal sugar and sodium standards, providing students two nutritious school meals daily, and ensuring students have adequate time to eat.

Digital Equity

AB 41 DIVCA Reform (Holden) 2023 - Veto

Although we initially supported AB 41, the final iteration of AB 41 would have moved the state further from digital equity, and would have made California franchise policy worse for communities, worse for localities, and harder for the state to address the digital divide. Working alongside other digital equity coalition partners, we successfully secured a veto of AB 41 by Governor Newsom.


SBx1 -2 – Ending Oil Price Gouging (Skinner)

Empowers the CA Energy Commission (CEC) with greater oil industry oversight, specifically to increase transparency related to oil prices and penalties for companies that engage in price gouging.


SB 253 - Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act (Wiener)

Requires all US-based businesses with over $1 billion in gross annual revenue, that do business in California, to disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory annually.


SB 261 – Climate-related Financial Risk Disclosure Act (Stern)

Requires certain entities doing business in California to prepare and submit climate-related financial risk reports consistent with recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD).

Criminal Legal Reform

AB 1118 – Racial Justice Act 3.0 (Kalra)

Makes technical changes to the current Racial Justice Act to help streamline the process to ensure claims are acted upon efficiently – saving time and resources for all involved.

Education Equity

AB 789 – Expanding Access to Financial Aid (Berman)

Enables students who have struggled academically to continue their educational pursuits by removing hurdles related to re-enrollment and maintaining financial aid.

Inclusive Democracy

AB 421 - Referendum Reform (Bryan)

Protects the integrity of the California referendum process by requiring more community-based, volunteer engagement in signature gathering.

Solving Food Insecurity

SB 348 – Nutritious School Meals & Time to Eat (Skinner)

Improves child nutrition by updating school meal sugar and sodium standards, providing students two nutritious school meals daily, and ensuring students have adequate time to eat.

Digital Equity

AB 41 DIVCA Reform (Holden) 2023 - Veto

Although we initially supported AB 41, the final iteration of AB 41 would have moved the state further from digital equity, and would have made California franchise policy worse for communities, worse for localities, and harder for the state to address the digital divide. Working alongside other digital equity coalition partners, we successfully secured a veto of AB 41 by Governor Newsom.

2023 Budget Wins


$54 billion appropriation over 5 years for the California Climate Commitment

Supported the historic $54 billion appropriation over 5 years for the California Climate Commitment which will ensure full funding remains to meet the state’s climate goals. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains most of the funding for the California Climate Commitment – roughly $52 billion. We will also continue to advocate for 100 percent of the state’s budget to be aligned with our climate goals.


$5 billion transportation funding package

Supported the $5 billion transportation funding package to avoid budget shortfalls to critical local and regional public transit systems. Enacted 2023-24 state budget includes the $5 billion in funding.

Criminal Legal Reform

$50 million in funding to help formerly incarcerated individuals reintegrate into society

Supported the $50 million in funding to help formerly incarcerated individuals reintegrate into society. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains $40 million in funding.

Digital Equity

$6 billion in funding to build out the state’s broadband infrastructure

Supported the $6 billion in funding to build out the state’s broadband infrastructure and ensure every California has access to affordable, high-speed internet. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains $40 million in funding.

Education Equity

California Student Loan Borrowers - State Tax Relief

Supported state tax relief for (1) federal student loan borrowers who have received loan forgiveness or been granted a loan discharge under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and (2) college students who received pandemic related institutional debt forgiveness and emergency grant aid. Enacted 2023-24 state budget implements these policy changes.

Solving Food Insecurity

$60 million in funding for the Farm to School Program

Supported the existing $60 million in funding for the Farm to School Program, which provides fresh, local healthy food to California students. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains the $60 million in funding.

Solving Food Insecurity

Supported for fully funding School Meals for All

Supported for fully funding School Meals for All - an additional $200 million secured for a total of $1.66 billion. Enacted in the 2023-24 state budget.

Inclusive Democracy

Youth Empowerment Commission

Supported an appropriation to create the Youth Empowerment Commission, AB 46 legislation we advocated for during the 2021-22 legislative session. Enacted 2023-24 state budget appropriates $3.8 million in funding for Commission implementation.

Income and Wealth Inequality

$1.5 million to staff and implement the Racial Equity Commission

Supported $1.5 million to staff and implement the Racial Equity Commission, which we strongly advocated for and the Governor enacted through executive order last year. Enacted 2023-24 state budget appropriates $3.8 million in funding for Commission implementation.


$54 billion appropriation over 5 years for the California Climate Commitment

Supported the historic $54 billion appropriation over 5 years for the California Climate Commitment which will ensure full funding remains to meet the state’s climate goals. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains most of the funding for the California Climate Commitment – roughly $52 billion. We will also continue to advocate for 100 percent of the state’s budget to be aligned with our climate goals.


$5 billion transportation funding package

Supported the $5 billion transportation funding package to avoid budget shortfalls to critical local and regional public transit systems. Enacted 2023-24 state budget includes the $5 billion in funding.

Criminal Legal Reform

$50 million in funding to help formerly incarcerated individuals reintegrate into society

Supported the $50 million in funding to help formerly incarcerated individuals reintegrate into society. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains $40 million in funding.

Digital Equity

$6 billion in funding to build out the state’s broadband infrastructure

Supported the $6 billion in funding to build out the state’s broadband infrastructure and ensure every California has access to affordable, high-speed internet. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains $40 million in funding.

Education Equity

California Student Loan Borrowers - State Tax Relief

Supported state tax relief for (1) federal student loan borrowers who have received loan forgiveness or been granted a loan discharge under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and (2) college students who received pandemic related institutional debt forgiveness and emergency grant aid. Enacted 2023-24 state budget implements these policy changes.

Solving Food Insecurity

$60 million in funding for the Farm to School Program

Supported the existing $60 million in funding for the Farm to School Program, which provides fresh, local healthy food to California students. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains the $60 million in funding.

Solving Food Insecurity

Supported for fully funding School Meals for All

Supported for fully funding School Meals for All - an additional $200 million secured for a total of $1.66 billion. Enacted in the 2023-24 state budget.

Inclusive Democracy

Youth Empowerment Commission

Supported an appropriation to create the Youth Empowerment Commission, AB 46 legislation we advocated for during the 2021-22 legislative session. Enacted 2023-24 state budget appropriates $3.8 million in funding for Commission implementation.

Income and Wealth Inequality

$1.5 million to staff and implement the Racial Equity Commission

Supported $1.5 million to staff and implement the Racial Equity Commission, which we strongly advocated for and the Governor enacted through executive order last year. Enacted 2023-24 state budget appropriates $3.8 million in funding for Commission implementation.


$54 billion appropriation over 5 years for the California Climate Commitment

Supported the historic $54 billion appropriation over 5 years for the California Climate Commitment which will ensure full funding remains to meet the state’s climate goals. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains most of the funding for the California Climate Commitment – roughly $52 billion. We will also continue to advocate for 100 percent of the state’s budget to be aligned with our climate goals.


$5 billion transportation funding package

Supported the $5 billion transportation funding package to avoid budget shortfalls to critical local and regional public transit systems. Enacted 2023-24 state budget includes the $5 billion in funding.

Criminal Legal Reform

$50 million in funding to help formerly incarcerated individuals reintegrate into society

Supported the $50 million in funding to help formerly incarcerated individuals reintegrate into society. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains $40 million in funding.

Digital Equity

$6 billion in funding to build out the state’s broadband infrastructure

Supported the $6 billion in funding to build out the state’s broadband infrastructure and ensure every California has access to affordable, high-speed internet. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains $40 million in funding.

Education Equity

California Student Loan Borrowers - State Tax Relief

Supported state tax relief for (1) federal student loan borrowers who have received loan forgiveness or been granted a loan discharge under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and (2) college students who received pandemic related institutional debt forgiveness and emergency grant aid. Enacted 2023-24 state budget implements these policy changes.

Solving Food Insecurity

$60 million in funding for the Farm to School Program

Supported the existing $60 million in funding for the Farm to School Program, which provides fresh, local healthy food to California students. Enacted 2023-24 state budget retains the $60 million in funding.

Solving Food Insecurity

Supported for fully funding School Meals for All

Supported for fully funding School Meals for All - an additional $200 million secured for a total of $1.66 billion. Enacted in the 2023-24 state budget.

Inclusive Democracy

Youth Empowerment Commission

Supported an appropriation to create the Youth Empowerment Commission, AB 46 legislation we advocated for during the 2021-22 legislative session. Enacted 2023-24 state budget appropriates $3.8 million in funding for Commission implementation.

Income and Wealth Inequality

$1.5 million to staff and implement the Racial Equity Commission

Supported $1.5 million to staff and implement the Racial Equity Commission, which we strongly advocated for and the Governor enacted through executive order last year. Enacted 2023-24 state budget appropriates $3.8 million in funding for Commission implementation.

2022 Legislative Wins

Broadband for All

AB 2752 – Broadband Infrastructure Mapping (Wood)

Improves transparency and accountability by requiring Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide additional information to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to help them develop the publicly available maps of the state’s broadband network.

Broadband for All

HR 125 – Airways for Equity (Reyes)

Declares the CA Assembly’s support for the federal Airways to Equity initiative which will provide additional funding for digital literacy and inclusion.


AB 1279 – The CA Climate Crisis Act: Carbon Neutrality (Muratsuchi)

Codifies the state’s existing goal of carbon neutrality by 2045.


SB 1137 – Protect Communities Against Oil Drilling (Gonzalez)

Requires a buffer zone setback around new oil and gas wells to protect vulnerable Californians.


AB 2097 – Clean Transportation and Reduced Housing Costs (Friedman)

Eliminates parking minimums near existing public transportation.


SB 1020 – 100% Clean Electric Grid (Laird)

Sets interim targets on the road to meet the state’s 2045 goals to generate 100% clean energy.


AB 30 – Access to Nature (Kalra)

Creates the Equitable Outdoor Access Act by requiring certain state agencies to incorporate outdoor access policies in future planning processes.

Criminal Legal Reform

AB 256 – Racial Justice Act Expansion (Kalra)

Provides a mechanism for legal relief to assist those whose prior convictions or sentences were based on racial, ethnic, or other forms of bias.

Criminal Legal Reform

AB 2657 – Incarcerated Person’s Competence (Stone)

Modernizes the state’s process for identifying people who have been sentenced to death but should be deemed permanently incompetent and therefore not eligible for execution.

Education Equity

HR 118 (Bonta) & SR 96 (Limón) - Student Loan Debt Awareness Month

Declared August 2022 Student Loan Awareness Month and called for public employers to outreach to their employees about the various student loan repayment options.

Education Equity

AB 288 – CA Ban on Scholarship Displacement Act (Calderon/Bonta)

Prevents colleges and universities from reducing the financial aid package of a student who also receives a private scholarship.

Education Equity

AB 2004 – Strengthening the CA DREAM Loan Program (C. Garcia)

Requires universities in the DREAM Loan Program to further support AB 540 students by offering similar loan relief options as federal student loans and meeting specified annual reporting requirements.

Food Insecurity

SB 907 – Local Equitable Access to Food (LEAF) (Pan)

Creates a new California Department Food and Agriculture (CDFA) grant program to increase the number of farmers’ markets across CA and expand EBT access for low-income shoppers at farmers’ markets.

Gender Equity

SB 1162 – Pay Transparency for Pay Equity Act (Limón)

Requires certain private employers to provide additional pay data to the Civil Rights Department to increase transparency and help narrow gender and racial wealth gaps.

Healthcare Reform

SB 838 – Affordable Prescription Drugs (Pan)

Requires the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHSA) to provide new pathways to help increase patient access to affordable life-saving drugs, like insulin.

Racial Equity

AB 1655 – Juneteenth State Holiday (Jones-Sayer)

Declares June 19th, commonly referred to as Juneteenth, as a paid state holiday to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States.

Veterans Rights

Veterans’ Military Discharge Upgrade Grant Program (Irwin)

Establishes a program to support veterans seeking to upgrade their other-than-honorable discharge status due to mental illness or sexual orientation.

Broadband for All

AB 2750 – State Digital Equity Plan (Bonta)

Requires the California Department of Technology (CDT) to draft a state digital equity plan to access billions in federal Inflation Recovery Act funding and increase access to high-speed and affordable internet service.

Broadband for All

AB 2752 – Broadband Infrastructure Mapping (Wood)

Improves transparency and accountability by requiring Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide additional information to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to help them develop the publicly available maps of the state’s broadband network.

Broadband for All

HR 125 – Airways for Equity (Reyes)

Declares the CA Assembly’s support for the federal Airways to Equity initiative which will provide additional funding for digital literacy and inclusion.


AB 1279 – The CA Climate Crisis Act: Carbon Neutrality (Muratsuchi)

Codifies the state’s existing goal of carbon neutrality by 2045.


SB 1137 – Protect Communities Against Oil Drilling (Gonzalez)

Requires a buffer zone setback around new oil and gas wells to protect vulnerable Californians.


AB 2097 – Clean Transportation and Reduced Housing Costs (Friedman)

Eliminates parking minimums near existing public transportation.


SB 1020 – 100% Clean Electric Grid (Laird)

Sets interim targets on the road to meet the state’s 2045 goals to generate 100% clean energy.


AB 30 – Access to Nature (Kalra)

Creates the Equitable Outdoor Access Act by requiring certain state agencies to incorporate outdoor access policies in future planning processes.

Criminal Legal Reform

AB 256 – Racial Justice Act Expansion (Kalra)

Provides a mechanism for legal relief to assist those whose prior convictions or sentences were based on racial, ethnic, or other forms of bias.

Criminal Legal Reform

AB 2657 – Incarcerated Person’s Competence (Stone)

Modernizes the state’s process for identifying people who have been sentenced to death but should be deemed permanently incompetent and therefore not eligible for execution.

Education Equity

HR 118 (Bonta) & SR 96 (Limón) - Student Loan Debt Awareness Month

Declared August 2022 Student Loan Awareness Month and called for public employers to outreach to their employees about the various student loan repayment options.

Education Equity

AB 288 – CA Ban on Scholarship Displacement Act (Calderon/Bonta)

Prevents colleges and universities from reducing the financial aid package of a student who also receives a private scholarship.

Education Equity

AB 2004 – Strengthening the CA DREAM Loan Program (C. Garcia)

Requires universities in the DREAM Loan Program to further support AB 540 students by offering similar loan relief options as federal student loans and meeting specified annual reporting requirements.

Food Insecurity

SB 907 – Local Equitable Access to Food (LEAF) (Pan)

Creates a new California Department Food and Agriculture (CDFA) grant program to increase the number of farmers’ markets across CA and expand EBT access for low-income shoppers at farmers’ markets.

Gender Equity

SB 1162 – Pay Transparency for Pay Equity Act (Limón)

Requires certain private employers to provide additional pay data to the Civil Rights Department to increase transparency and help narrow gender and racial wealth gaps.

Healthcare Reform

SB 838 – Affordable Prescription Drugs (Pan)

Requires the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHSA) to provide new pathways to help increase patient access to affordable life-saving drugs, like insulin.

Racial Equity

AB 1655 – Juneteenth State Holiday (Jones-Sayer)

Declares June 19th, commonly referred to as Juneteenth, as a paid state holiday to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States.

Veterans Rights

Veterans’ Military Discharge Upgrade Grant Program (Irwin)

Establishes a program to support veterans seeking to upgrade their other-than-honorable discharge status due to mental illness or sexual orientation.

Broadband for All

AB 2750 – State Digital Equity Plan (Bonta)

Requires the California Department of Technology (CDT) to draft a state digital equity plan to access billions in federal Inflation Recovery Act funding and increase access to high-speed and affordable internet service.

Broadband for All

AB 2752 – Broadband Infrastructure Mapping (Wood)

Improves transparency and accountability by requiring Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide additional information to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to help them develop the publicly available maps of the state’s broadband network.

Broadband for All

HR 125 – Airways for Equity (Reyes)

Declares the CA Assembly’s support for the federal Airways to Equity initiative which will provide additional funding for digital literacy and inclusion.


AB 1279 – The CA Climate Crisis Act: Carbon Neutrality (Muratsuchi)

Codifies the state’s existing goal of carbon neutrality by 2045.


SB 1137 – Protect Communities Against Oil Drilling (Gonzalez)

Requires a buffer zone setback around new oil and gas wells to protect vulnerable Californians.


AB 2097 – Clean Transportation and Reduced Housing Costs (Friedman)

Eliminates parking minimums near existing public transportation.


SB 1020 – 100% Clean Electric Grid (Laird)

Sets interim targets on the road to meet the state’s 2045 goals to generate 100% clean energy.


AB 30 – Access to Nature (Kalra)

Creates the Equitable Outdoor Access Act by requiring certain state agencies to incorporate outdoor access policies in future planning processes.

Criminal Legal Reform

AB 256 – Racial Justice Act Expansion (Kalra)

Provides a mechanism for legal relief to assist those whose prior convictions or sentences were based on racial, ethnic, or other forms of bias.

Criminal Legal Reform

AB 2657 – Incarcerated Person’s Competence (Stone)

Modernizes the state’s process for identifying people who have been sentenced to death but should be deemed permanently incompetent and therefore not eligible for execution.

Education Equity

HR 118 (Bonta) & SR 96 (Limón) - Student Loan Debt Awareness Month

Declared August 2022 Student Loan Awareness Month and called for public employers to outreach to their employees about the various student loan repayment options.

Education Equity

AB 288 – CA Ban on Scholarship Displacement Act (Calderon/Bonta)

Prevents colleges and universities from reducing the financial aid package of a student who also receives a private scholarship.

Education Equity

AB 2004 – Strengthening the CA DREAM Loan Program (C. Garcia)

Requires universities in the DREAM Loan Program to further support AB 540 students by offering similar loan relief options as federal student loans and meeting specified annual reporting requirements.

Food Insecurity

SB 907 – Local Equitable Access to Food (LEAF) (Pan)

Creates a new California Department Food and Agriculture (CDFA) grant program to increase the number of farmers’ markets across CA and expand EBT access for low-income shoppers at farmers’ markets.

Gender Equity

SB 1162 – Pay Transparency for Pay Equity Act (Limón)

Requires certain private employers to provide additional pay data to the Civil Rights Department to increase transparency and help narrow gender and racial wealth gaps.

Healthcare Reform

SB 838 – Affordable Prescription Drugs (Pan)

Requires the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHSA) to provide new pathways to help increase patient access to affordable life-saving drugs, like insulin.

Racial Equity

AB 1655 – Juneteenth State Holiday (Jones-Sayer)

Declares June 19th, commonly referred to as Juneteenth, as a paid state holiday to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States.

Veterans Rights

Veterans’ Military Discharge Upgrade Grant Program (Irwin)

Establishes a program to support veterans seeking to upgrade their other-than-honorable discharge status due to mental illness or sexual orientation.

Broadband for All

AB 2750 – State Digital Equity Plan (Bonta)

Requires the California Department of Technology (CDT) to draft a state digital equity plan to access billions in federal Inflation Recovery Act funding and increase access to high-speed and affordable internet service.

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